Wednesday, December 16, 2009

2009 Christmas Update (newsletter)

Wow! Another year down. Crazy how time flies by so quickly. This has been an interesting year for us. It has had its ups and downs. Which reminds us of how thankful we are for all the blessings we do receive.

Ally - Just turned 9 years old. She has had an exciting year. In January, she was baptized. She played on a soccer team. She is easily entertained. She is very excited for Christmas. She has already made her family presents, wrapped them and put them under the tree. She is kind and friendly to everyone.

Landon - He happily graduated elementary school, joined the Deacons Quorum, and moved on to Middle School. Landon has never enjoyed school all that much, but middle school seems to work for him. He is getting good grades and doesn't hate it, but to say he liked school would be going too far! He does enjoy earning merit badges in the Boy Scouts and hanging out with his friends. He is fun to have around.

Sam - She is still our Dancing Queen! She was Sleeping Beauty in her Spring dance production. She is an amazing ballerina. She is looking forward to turning 14 in a few short weeks. She also loves to babysit. She is a favorite amongst many of the children we live by. She loves to shop and hang out with her friends.

Keyan - This has been a big year for him. He played lots of soccer, futsal and indoor soccer. He earned his Eagle Scout Award. His project was massive. He put in a sidewalk. That might not seem like a big deal to you, but he did it through a city grant which meant he had to go to neighborhood meetings, city council meetings, and other city meetings for approval, not to mention all the other requirements, just for the grant (not even the actual project). He is a senior in high school. He turned 18. He is a great kid. We are very proud of him!

Christy - I've been busy with all my volunteer stuff. My kids keep telling me I need to learn to say no! I enjoy it though. Although I really do need to get a paying job. I need a reason to get out of the house and to earn some money too! I coached Ally's soccer team this Spring. I designed the entire elementary school yearbook in only a few short weeks. I do web design projects and other digital design. I still love to scrapbook, although I never seem to find any time at all for it. I am still the Young Women's president for my ward and I love it! Mostly, I just do whatever my kids need me to.

Chris - This year has brought some unexpected changes. He has been a finance manager for years. He was at a car dealership that happened to lose both of their franchises due to the current administrations dealings with the US car companies. No, we are not big Obama supporters around here! Due to his dealership being up in the air for so long, they lost nearly all their business. Although Chris had a job, he wasn't making anything. So he jumped ship and is now working for One Hour Heating and Air. So if you live in Utah and need anything furnace or air conditioning related, you should call that company. It's been a huge adjustment for all of us! He is still a youth Sunday School teacher which he very much enjoys.

So life has been crazy as always.
How could one expect anything less? :)
We are looking forward to the holidays and the new year.
We hope that you have a very
Merry Christmas!

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