Tuesday night just after 9:p.m. Chris came home from work and asked if the street south of 1010 was in our ward. Yes, it is. He then goes on to tell me that there are a bunch of cops there and they have the street blocked off just 2 houses deep off Lakeshore Dr.
Come to find out a man, riding in the passenger seat of a car, emptied 4 rounds on the corner house. There were 9 people in the house, including women and children, at the time.
Luckily no one was hurt. Normally, across the street from this house is a handful of kids playing basketball or riding boards. That night, a parent and child, a couple of houses away, were in their front yard and saw the whole thing happen. One neighbor heard what he thought was a knock at the door and quickly went to see who it was, not knowing that the noise was actually bullets hitting a house. All of these could have been really bad if circumstances would have been even a little bit different.
So my whole point of this is don't do drugs. This house was targeted. The man who shot at the house thought that someone inside owed him drug money and was coming to collect a debt.
This is just another example how one person's poor choices affect more than just themselves. Drugs not only ruin the lives of the people who abuse them, but also affect friends and family and sometimes complete strangers in ways that the abuser could never know or care.
Christ's perfect example was centered in love. To take and abuse drugs is one of the most selfish things a person can do and far away from being Christlike in any way.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
That's very scary. The world would be a much better place if we all followed the Saviour's example. And it wouldn't be nearly as scary.
And now we hear on the news that there is gang activity (and rising) in Provo. The only safety we can truely find is our following the Savior, and even then, we may only find comfort. Safety isn't assured in this life.
Is this a sign of the times, even drug dealers are having hard times in the tough economy!:)
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