Sunday, June 7, 2009

{faSt oFfeRinGs}

This was Landon's first time to do Fast Offerings. It's when a Priesthood holder gets the privilege to help out in the collecting of money that will be used to help those who are in need in our neighborhood. Every member fasts for 2 meals and generously gives the amount they would have spent on those two meals and then some. It's a truly inspired program. We do it on the first Sunday of every month.

Landon seemed to be unhappy or sick before we went to church that morning. When I asked him what was wrong, it turned out to be that he was just nervous about doing fast offerings. He didn't know what it was he was supposed to do.

After church he was all smiles. In priesthood he had it all explained to him and now he knew exactly what was expected and required of him. It is so neat to watch him embrace his new responsibilities and to enjoy it.

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