Wednesday, December 31, 2008

{DeCemBer wRap up}

Sam keeps telling me I should update my blog. She's right. I've just been so busy I haven't had time to do it. So I'm cheating and dating this so it goes into December.

The hula turned out great. The girls were fabulous! The boy's Hakka was excellent also. Santa showed up at the end of the party.

Ally's birthday was the next day.

Taking family pics for the Christmas Card is always a treat!

Ally wanted a disco party with her friends. They danced and sang. It was loads of fun!

We took a trip to Temple Square to see the lights.

It snowed A LOT!

Landon's friend did the 12 Days of Christmas. Here's Ally late one night blowing bubbles that had come that night.

Christmas Eve we ate Chinese food and opened presents with my family.

Christmas Morning - the kids definitely got what they wanted.

Chris' parents came over Christmas Morning and played with us.

Ally and I had a fun day out, looking for dresses.

New Years Eve Day - our stake took the youth ice skating. It was great!

New Years Eve - we ate, played games and watched fireworks at our neighbors.

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