Tuesday, April 15, 2008

{deAdliEsT cAtch}

Why... oh why... oh why!

I hate the smell of fish.
I hate the taste of fish.
I don't like fishing.
I hate being cold.
I get sea sick.

...But I'm hooked on Discovery Channel's Deadliest Catch!

I just can't seem to get enough ... Dutch Harbor, the Bering Sea, the Northwestern, the Time Bandit, the Wizard, the Cornelia Marie, the North American, the Early Dawn, and it's King Crab season! Yahoo!

(image RollingStone online)

Tonight was the airing of the 1st & 2nd episodes of season 4.


Mel said...

Ya we stayed up til midnight (even Cooper) watching. And we watched the marathon ALL weekend. We love it.

Sam said...

Ha ha that's funny how you don't like anything about fish but love the show! =D

david@gommstudios.com said...

They interviewed a couple of the guys from the show, who just wrote a book on The Big Idea last night. They told a story about how their Father taught them to swim in ice cold water...thanks dad for sending me to lessons not the kind their dad gave them.

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