Wednesday, April 2, 2008

{oDDs & eNds}

As I was getting out of my car Monday, I was accosted by a man on a bike shouting, "Quit filling up your gas guzzling junk cars!" Now I realize that this wasn't a personal attack on me, but to everyone that was there at Costco filling up their tanks! At first I thought what a silly man. What good is yelling at a bunch of strangers going to do? I love, need, have to have my vehicle that is not going to change, however, it did lead to a discussion with Chris about oil prices. When we lived in Missouri there was a place between Joplin and Pierce City that we could buy gas for 88 cents, now, at the cheapest place in town it's $3.15. Seriously, has inflation gone up that much? NO, we keep hearing about how the big oil companies are reaching record breaking profits every quarter. Isn't there something that can be done? Our government can put regulations on everything, can't they cap the amount they charge their citizens for gas. I didn't believe the stories before how the gas prices are hurting consumers, but now several years later... people aren't spending as much money, because their necessities are taking up all that they use to spend on extra stuff, people aren't buying cars, which having Chris in the car industry makes for not a great few months, and now the truck drivers are on strike... surely something can be done. :(

Our backyard is a brand new elementary school parking lot. Last year they had a cornerstone laying ceremony for the school, where city and school board officials came and laid the first few bricks. Of course, the neighbors were all invited to help. The bricks were engraved with the school's name on them. Now that the school is complete those bricks are not there. They have been moved to pillars at the front entrance of the school. So I'm wondering what on earth was the point of having the cornerstone ceremony if you weren't even going to keep the bricks where they were?

2 comments: said...

The Church has cornerstone laying ceremonies as part of the dedication of temples, imagine laying a "real" cornerstone after the building is done?

So if they can lay a pretend cornerstone which is really a stone plaque, I guess it's okay to lay bricks and then move them, after all, it's just a publicity stunt to get the media to pay attention!

christy said...

Yes, but at least the people who help with the church one's can say hey I helped see this is where I put some mortar on this wall. The people who helped with the school can't even do that!!! :)

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