Sunday, March 30, 2008


Did you know that when you publish a draft, it places it on the date that you originally saved the draft? I guess those of you who are more experienced than I would have known that! I had a few drafts that I decided to finish up. I published them and I couldn't figure out where they went. They didn't show up where I thought they should, but lo and behold they really were there. They were listed back on the dates that I first saved them.


Mel said...

I didnt know that...I am not sure I like that. They should be at the most recent date!

christy said...

I agree! However, it looks like on their beta/test version they are now working on that feature. They must of had enough people complain about it! said...

At the bottom of a blog entry page there is a "Post Options" link and when you click it, you'll be able to post what date you want it to appear as. You can go in and change the dates when in edit mode and you can reorganize all your blog comments.

I had to learn about this when I wanted to post old newsletters in the proper order!

christy said...

Thank you, you're right! I would of never known that. The info I got about the beta test must of been old, since you can already do it. Thanks again!!!

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