Friday, March 28, 2008

{RiP StiCks}

Oh my... All the guys(adult men) in my neighborhood have been borrowing my kids rip sticks. They are these boards that look kind of like a skateboard, but don't be fooled! It is nothing like a skateboard.
  • To start, skateboards are one single piece, rip sticks are 2 separate pieces, though joined together, they can be moved independent of each other.
  • Skateboards have 4 wheels, rip sticks only have 2!
  • You can't just put one foot on the board and push with the other.

... but my kids make it look soooooo easy!!!







I decided to finally give it a try. I tried and tried and tried. Those things are difficult for those of us who rank a big fat 0 on coordination.


Sam said...

mom you did great! and you can too put a foot on and go!!!

Mel said...

At least I have an excuse not to even try. I would definitely hurt myself. said...

So that's what that kid was riding on that I saw the other day.

In my day, we thought unicycles were pretty cool! And I had to walk to school three miles in snow, uphill, both to and from the school.

Lynette in Delaware said...
I can't post to beezee...I must be doing something wrong. Can you check to see if there is a restricted password?

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