Saturday, March 15, 2008

{ T...A...N...G...O }

Oh my... who knew that ballroom dance could be so much fun! Sam's Elementary School Ballroom team had a team match today at BYU during the 2008 U.S. National Amateur Dancesport Championships. It was so much fun.

The boys are hysterical, they do their thing and come off the dance floor giving their buddies high five like it's their time out during a b-ball or soccer game.

When they dance the TANGO, the kids all chant T-A-N-G-O to the beat of the dance. It's very lively and fun.

The best part comes at the end. They invited all the dancers on to the floor. Then told them they had to find a new partner from a different school. We were rolling. This was one of the funniest things ever. The conductor was joking with them saying, "you're not trying to find someone to marry, just someone to dance the next dance with!"

2 comments: said...

That sounds very fun! Did Sam have fun?

Being pretty good weather, just biting cold out, we went and pruned grapes this morning.

Then it started to snow.

Sam said...

yes i had a blast!

Glimpses of Us!