Sunday, September 14, 2008


2 weeks ago we had an attempted child abduction in our neighborhood. The boy was on his way home from school when a man told him his mom was in the hospital and that he needed to take him to her. Luckily, the boy was smart enough (thanks to programs like RAD Kids) and he just took off and ran the whole way home, where his mom just happened to be. This was a good wake up call for our area and an excellent reminder that it's always important to talk to our kids about stranger danger, etc.
Channel 4 news came and did a piece on it for the 6 o'clock news and channel 5 came to do a piece for the 10 o'clock news. Landon and his friend, Jesse, decided to go and try to get on the news, which they did. They walked behind the girl reporting and waved! For the 10 o'clock news they did it in the parking lot that you can see in the bottom of the picture. Since it was live you could hear it in stereo. Since our windows were open, you could hear the guy outside and on the TV.


Amanda said...

Wow, that's so scary. I've talked to the kids about the whole 'help me find my puppy' idea but I didn't even think about the 'your mom is in the hospital' scenario. I guess that means I'm not a psychopathic child abducter at heart...a good thing I guess. Thanks for keeping me up to date on how to keep my kids safer and congrats on your famous son! :)

Mel said...

Ya i have been talking to cooper too. thanks for the story. oh ya i am so sore from last night!

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