Wednesday, September 3, 2008

{sUmmErS gOnE}

This is never a happy sight. It goes from 90's one day to near freezing the next. This is the Utah weather I remember as a kid!


Unknown said...

Ya Keyan is 17...that is nuts. When I met him he was just a 10 year old kid. Anyway...looks like you have had fun, um and ya what is up with the freezing weather. I am NOT ready for that yet. Except snowboarding, cause I can go this year. Are you having a family party for Keyan? If not we can stop by next week. We will be in Vegas this weekend. My cousin is blessing his baby and we are having lunch with Taylor on Sunday. Should be fun. Talk to you soon.

Unknown said...

sorry this is Mel, I guess Jason was still signed in.

Lynette in Delaware said...

How come the news never covered this?
Now I know why I love Delaware so much. brrrr I am not ready for winter!

Heather said...


Please come and visit me in DC. That would be awesome! There is plenty of bad, er, interesting weather here.

Glimpses of Us!