Friday, November 14, 2008

{a bOwL fuLL of boOgeRs}

Apparently this is the worst thing for a 7 year old to get on her next birthday! Seriously, that is disgusting!

This is what you might have to talk about to get your child to forget about not wanting to go to school. I think she might be a hypochondriac-in-training. It's always something with her - headache, stomachache, can't find shoes, etc.

I was at the school yesterday leaving after helping in Landon's class and I see Ally in the hall. No, "Hi Mom!" It's "What are you doing here?" I proceed to tell her what I had been doing and that now I was headed home. I ask her what is she doing out in the hall. She is headed out to recess.

She asks, "Will you walk me out?" or at least this is what I heard. I say, "sure, lets go" and I take her hand and head towards the back of the school. As we pass the office door she stops and has that look of "you are going the wrong way".

As it turns out she asked, "Will you CHECK me out?" Too bad her complete elation over the prospect of going home was so short lived.

She's only 7 - I don't know if I can handle 11 more years of this!!!

2 comments: said...

So did you leave her at school or take her home?

christy said...

I'm so mean...I made her stay at school! :) She wasn't too happy about it, luckily it was recess time. That helped a bit!

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