Friday, June 27, 2008

{LaNdOn's LaSt pAck MeeTing}

Landon was invited back for pack meeting so that he could be awarded the Arrow of Light. This is the highest award a Cub Scout can get, and it's the only one that can carry over to his Scout Uniform. He was so excited to receive it. He didn't see it when we got there and he had to of asked me at least 3 times if I was sure that they remembered!

Good Job Landon! I'm very proud of you.

1 comment: said...

I hope the arrow of light ceremony was a good one. Since we met at a school instead of a church for our pack meetings in Missouri, a part of our arrow of light ceremony involved throwing a ball of fire over the arrow of light. This was done with the help of a crumbled ball of flash paper, which I waved over a candle flame and then threw into the air. It was pretty cool..I think Landon's pretty cool for getting his AOL

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