Monday, June 9, 2008

{mY chRiStophEr}

I've seen this tag going around and now I'm it!

Here is some info about my HUBBY:

1. What is his name? Christopher
2. Who eats more? I do.
3. Who said I love you first? Chris did.
4. Who is taller? He is by almost a foot!
5. Who is smarter? It depends on the subject, but if we were in school I'd get better grades!
6. Who is more sensitive? Me, for sure!
7.Who does the laundry? I do, but he will do a load here and there.
8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If standing at the foot of the bed looking at it, I do.
9. Who pays the bills? Mostly Chris.
10. Who cooks more? I do.
11. What meals do you cook together? None, the only meal Chris cooks is waffles!
12. Who is more stubborn? Tie.
13. Who is the first to admit they're wrong? Chris.
14. Who has more siblings? Chris.
15. Who wears the pants in the relationship? Chris.
16. What do you like to do together? Hangout, take walks.
17. Who eats more sweets? I do.
18. Guilty pleasures? Wakeboarding...snowboarding/skiing...
19. How did you meet? We met while working at the Brick Oven.
20. Who asked who out first? Our first date was by accident because everyone else bailed on us.
21. Who kissed who first? I'm sure he did!
22. Who proposed? What proposal!!!
23. His best features? Chris hates when women write on their blogs about their HOT husbands, but I have to admit his looks aren't hurting him at all!!!
24. What is his greatest quality? He's a worthy priesthood holder and has a great gospel understanding.
25. Tag? Jeanne, Amanda, Lynette, Sarah

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