Friday, June 27, 2008

{wooD veNts}

When we moved into our house there were a few things that the builder was suppose to come back and do. One of these things was to come stain the vents. Obviously they are not going to come and do it, so I decided to finally get it done.

If you ever put in wood floors, I would highly recommend getting the flush wood vents to go with them. I think that was one of the smart things we did. I didn't even know about them, but our realtor had suggested them and I am so glad that he did.

1 comment: said...

I'll bet it didn't take you long to do the staining. Why is it that we put things off and worry about them. Then when we get around to it..the job wasn't worth all that worry.

I told Jeanne that it must work, I worried so much and then nothing went wrong on a recent project, so worry must have worked!

Glimpses of Us!